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Be a hero in someone's story: Donate now

Your contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of the families we support. By donating to our cause, you can help us provide education and empowerment to children and their families, giving them the tools they need to succeed.

Your donation can be the hope that a family needs, the strength that a community relies on, and the light that shines on a better future for all.

Bank Account Details

  • Bank Name: HDFC Bank
  • Bank Account name: Shailendra Sarthi Foundation
  • Bank Account Number: 50200070860128
  • Bank IFSC Code: HDFC0004139

Your donation, no matter how big or small, will go directly towards funding our programs and making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.

Thank you for your generosity and for joining us in our mission to create a better future for all.